First off, let me say that my thoughts and prayers are with the families, friends and colleagues of the victims in Blacksburg. That was one of the most despicable acts I have ever seen. The young man who committed them is a selfish coward, who obviously had serious mental problems. There is plenty of blame to go around for this incident.
You can start with the V. Tech police department and President, who failed to secure the building and lockdown the campus after the first shootings. Had they done this and taken a more preventative approach, this catastrophe may never have happened or at least not to the degree it took place. Also, universities and colleges should run criminal, psychological and other sorts of background checks before admitting prospective students. While this may not have prevented the tragedy that occurred today, few can argue that it would really hurt.
Next you can look at our weak gun control laws in this country. No matter what party you are in, there is simply zero reasons to oppose gun control to at least a certain magnitude. Assault rifles, automatic and semi-automatic guns have no place in the hands of society, despite this incident arising from handgun usage. Secondly, more extensive background checks are needed and the NRA needs to get their arrogant heads out of their behinds and actually show they might care about situations like this. I do agree with the protectionism of the 2nd Ammendment for our Constitution, but understand there is need for modification too. After all, aren't these rules called Ammendments for a reason? Shouldn't we be allowed to continuously update these laws as times change? It is clear to me that Americans are too irresponsible to allow full freedom under the 2nd Ammendment. Regulations on gun types, clip sizes and round speeds will not only decrease the number of victims of these derranged, pathetic cowards, but they also can aid in the success of law enforcement.
Some media members and Americans blame our culture for this violence instead of actually placing the blame on the individuals themselves. American culture is far more censored than any other developed country of note. How much further are you really willing to go? Asian cartoons and movies are filled with violence, yet they never seem to have such problems. Part of the reason is that the violence in television and other mediums in Asia rely on old-fashioned fighting, instead of gun use. If there is one aspect of American (and probably Western culture in general) to criticize and point fingers towrads, it surely must be gun perceptions. Too often in urban and action movies, guns are portrayed as "cool" and symbols of power. Using them on other humans without the same level of protection is about as cowardly as Muslim extremists who commit suicide bombings on civilians.
In the end, the blame needs to come back towards the individual and his/her actions. This kid decided to selfishly take others lives instead of just ending his. Depression is a terrible disease and as someone who has experience at least a minor level of it during my lifetime, I never once blamed anyone I did not know for feeling sorry for myself. I definitely do not condone the murder of his girlfriend, but at least we knew his motive (albeit a horrific one). What did those other 32 people do to deserve their lives to be disrupted like this? How about their families, friends, classmates, faculty and all of the thousands affected by this unbelievable act?
The gunman, whomever he is, alienated his family, our country, his nationality, and most importantly the honor and dignity by which we live our lives. Unfortunately, he acted like the gutless bastard he is when he took his own life. We never will know for sure why he did these horrible things and what possessed him. Additionally, we also won't get our revenge. He is a weak, craven coward and may he suffer in hell for the pain and suffering he has caused.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Who is to Blame for the Virginia Tech Massacre?
Posted by
11:49 PM
Labels: Congress, Democrats, Gun Bans, Gun Control, Republicans, Virginia Tech
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