Thursday, November 15, 2007

Privatized Social Security?

Recently, Republican Presidential Candidate Fred Thompson has become outspoken on the Social Security issue. In one of the rare cases where a politician musters up enough courage to discuss one of the premier dilemmas facing American society, Thompson seems to be on the right track. Instead of relying on increasing taxes in order to boost account values like Senator Clinton has suggested, Thompson began talk of privatizing Social Security and allowing individual Americans to save their money as they so chose via an investment vehicle (likely a 401(k) or something similar).

When asked his main thoughts behind the process, Thompson replied with a refreshing remark. "The American people are smart", said Thompson reflecting on U.S. citizen's abilities to invest themselves. How about that? A politician that has faith in the American people to choose and dictate their own prosperous future.

Contrast Thompson's pro-individual comments to those of Hilary Clinton's latest speech, in which she mandated, "When I am president, we'll have our priorities in order. We will return to fiscal responsibility and fair tax policies first, and then we will address the long-term challenges facing Social Security."

With an overwhelming lead in the Democratic Primary's early polls, I worry for the country with her pro-tax hike mentality, something a fragile economy wouldn't take kindly to. What happened to the pro-growth Democrats like Kennedy? Maybe Hilary should consult someone with experience in the position, someone who understood that tax hikes were detrimental to the economy. Say her husband, Bill.